🔗Add social links

Features links are shown on top of your author page to let readers connect to you even outside of Knowasiak.com platform.

  1. Click on the avatar dropdown

  2. Go to edit profile

  3. Select the profile tab located under the general tab

  4. Scroll to bottom

  5. Change your website link according to you.

  6. Click on the update profile button to save changes.

Now your profile with the featured website link will look something like this:

  1. Click on the avatar dropdown

  2. Click on edit profile

  3. Click on the Socials tab located under the password tab

  4. Add social media links according to your original presence.

  5. Click on the Update profile button to save your changes.

Now your profile will look something like this:

Notice: Do not add misleading or bad links that misguide users. Your account will be instantly go offline if found misleading.

Last updated